Spring Spectacular Mystery – off we go!
Watch & see how our travel minds will grow!
A nice hotel with reception we’ll check into,
Lunch the next day will be a tasty barbecue.
A special museum with unique Space is next,
Then an Amish country dinner – R&J cuts the checks!
There’s a ride-along adventure down below,
Wait! Listen! Does anyone else hear a banjo?
A historic theatre we will tour,
We’ve been having a grand time for sure!
A Memorial visit is part of the plan,
Can we really eat dinner here? Yes we can!
Step aboard a water taxi for a canal cruise,
Then live entertainment will have us tapping our shoes.
Buried treasure we will see the next day,
Be sure to take pictures along the way.
Day six arrives and with new friendships we return home,
Choosing our next R&J Tour – where should we roam?
R&J Mysteries are a lot of fun!
We are so glad you chose this Spring one!
Motorcoach Per Person Pricing Information
Motorcoach Travel Protection Per Person
Travel Bucks
Deposit Due
Passport Needed
Tour Pace
Price Includes
9 Meals & 2 Kickbacks, Hotels & Activities as stated, Luxury Motorcoach