From the R&J Tours exclusive “Backroads of America” Collection! This R&J tour is an Ultimate Autumn Experience.
“If you can pick and choose, there is no better time for a motor trip through Vermont than in autumn,”
Abner W. Coleman wrote in the very first issue of Vermont Life published in 1946.
Coleman continues to say, “Vermont during the autumn months offers delights indescribable.”
This is the absolute prime time to journey through the Green Mountain State with R&J Tours! Vermont is a unique and special place, especially along the back roads, in the villages and small hamlets where quality of life and being a good neighbor is a priority. It is a place of mystical mountains, rolling hills, green valleys, picturesque farms, scenic rivers and color. The autumn woods run the entire color spectrum from the blazing reds of the maples, the yellows of birch and beech to the violets of the ever present mountain backgrounds. But it’s the Charming Villages that bring it all together and give life and character to a pace and time we all so fondly remember.
Join us as we explore the Charming Villages of Vermont!
Day 1 – Home to Lansing, IL
A travel day thru beautiful Wisconsin to Lansing, IL will begin our adventure to the charming villages of Vermont. Coffee & lunch breaks are planned along the way. Dinner will be on your own.
Hotel: Holiday Inn Express of Lansing
Day 2 – Lansing to Erie, PA
Travel day across Indiana & Ohio today where the scenery & color begins to intensify east of Cleveland as we journey along Lake Erie into NW Pennsylvania. Coffee & lunch breaks will be enjoyed at convenient Turnpike Travel Plazas. Dinner will be on your own.
Included Meals: Breakfast
Hotel: Holiday Inn Express – Erie, PA
Day 3 – Erie to Bennington, VT
Today we will travel across southern New York. This section of freeway will be a colorful introduction to the days ahead. Our entry into Vermont and the Village of Bennington is a pleasant preview of what is in store. Our “Welcome to Vermont” dinner will be at the historic Bennington Station.
Included Meals: Breakfast, Dinner
Hotel: Hampton Inn – Bennington (2 nights)
Day 4 – Bennington
After breakfast at our lovely hotel, we have a fitting start to our adventure at the Vermont Covered Bridge Museum. A beautiful Vermont drive takes us to Manchester, a summer resort area since the Civil War and we’ll see why when the world famous Equinox Resort comes in view. Next is a very privileged visit to Hildene, the Lincoln family home of Robert Todd Lincoln, son of Abe Lincoln. This ancestral home sits on a promontory with breathtaking views of the Vermont landscape. Here we enjoy an included light lunch with our hosts. Taking the back roads we journey to the Sugar Shack in Arlington, which features the setting and personalities for most of Norman Rockwell’s classic Saturday Evening Post art. Then traveling back through the streets of Bennington to the Historic Bennington Pottery for a self-guided tour. The setting for dinner this evening is the prestigious Mt. Anthony Club with the best view of the Green Mountains.
Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Backroads: Hwy 7 & Old Hwy 7
Villages: Bennington, Manchester Depot, Manchester, Arlington, Shaftsbury & North Bennington
Hotel: Hampton Inn – Bennington
Day 5 – Bennington to White River Junction, VT
Breakfast at our hotel begins another day in autumn paradise. Before leaving Bennington, we visit the incredible Bennington Museum where we experience a definite highlight of the trip, the Grandma Moses Gallery! Next we travel legendary Highway 100 through the Green Mountains and picturesque Vermont villages to the Stratton Mountain Ski Lodge for a boxed lunch before you board the Gondola which will take you to the top of southern Vermont’s highest peak for a breathtaking view of the surrounding fall landscape. Then we will be on our way to Weston, a mountain crossroads village that embodies all we envision when we think “Villages of Vermont.” Weston is home to the world reknowned Vermont Country Store, Vermont’s number one nostalgia outlet. The oval common is shaded with majestic maples that surround the village bandstand. Don’t miss the old mill on the bubbling mountain stream that runs through town. Next comes Chester, “hometown Vermont.” Dinner is at the Fullerton Inn: Offering classic Vermont hospitality dating back to the 1860’s.
Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Back roads: Hwy 9, Hwy 100 & Hwy 11
Villages: Wilmington, West Dover, Wardsboro, Londonderry, Weston & Chester
Hotel: White River Inn, White River Junction (2 nights)
Day 6 – White River Junction
Viewing a map of Vermont, distances look formidable until we realize that it’s really not very far from place to place. We’ll travel only about 80 miles today with so much to see and do. We will begin traveling south along the Connecticut River, and then head west where at the little crossroads of Downers we discover a wonderful covered bridge – Have your cameras ready – Here is another classic photo op! You’ll love the little hamlet of Cavendish, it is like a movie set. Note the unique Village Fire Station and intriguing roof lines of the Victorian homes. As we enter Ludlow, the ski capital of Vermont, we’ll be captivated by the artfully designed church across the street from the flag adorned bandstand in the village square. Then we motor by beautiful Echo Lake and the village of Tyson, on our way to Plymouth Notch and the birthplace of Pres. Calvin Coolidge. This historic village is virtually unchanged from the early 1900’s and is a fascinating step back to a time gone by. The Florence Cilley General Store is a favorite of visitors. Down the road we will continue and cross the Quechee River to the Simon Pearce Restaurant for lunch followed by a glass blowing demonstration and time to shop the gift gallery. A trip to central Vermont isn’t complete without viewing the spectacular Quechee Gorge. You will look down 163 feet to the cascading waters of the Ottauquechee River framed in stunning fall color. Then some relaxful time is given to enjoy the Billings Farm Museum, a “Gateway to Vermont’s Rural Heritage.” Afterwards you will be free to enjoy some free time in the prestigious Vermont Village of Woodstock. The shops are calling and you’ll find time here for an evening meal before we continue back to the White River Inn for a nights rest.
Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
Back roads: Hwys 5, 131, 103, 100, 100A & Hwy 4
Villages: Windsor, Ascutney, Downers, Cavendish, Proctorsville, Ludlow, Tyson, Plymouth Union, Plymouth Notch, Bridgewater, Woodstock & White River Junction
Hotel: White River Inn – White River Junction
Day 7 – White River Junction to St. Johnsbury, VT
You may only want to have a lite breakfast at the hotel this morning because our very first stop is King Arthur Flour & The Baker’s Store in Norwich. Baking tools, ingredients and knowledge is the byline of this world-famous baking store. The bakery goods selection is irresistible and the coffee aroma compelling. When our appetites are satisfied, we depart on a scenic morning drive that takes us along the Connecticut River to Bradford, VT and a favorite stop for many traveling this area, The Farm Way store. Now prepare yourself; the backroads of Vermont this morning are a gem as we make our way to Cabot. Included lunch is at Butter’s Restaurant. It doesn’t get any more “locally owned and operated” than this. Following lunch we make our way to Cabot Creamery, just a few steps away, for a guided tour and an opportunity to shop for their world-famous Vermont Cheese. Cabot Creamery is one of the most visited sites in all of Vermont. Just down the road is the Goodrich Maple Farm that’s been in operation since 1840! We’ll learn all about the Maple Syrup trade and have a chance to purchase some local syrup for the pancakes back home! Now on to St. Johnsbury, the heart of what Vermonter’s proudly call The Northeast Kingdom. We settle in at the beautiful Comfort Suites of St. Johnsbury for the night.
Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
Backroads: Hwy 5, Hwy 25, Village Rd, Hwy 232, Hwy 215 & Hwy 2
Villages: Norwich, Thetford, Bradford, Cabot, Danville & St. Johnsbury
Hotel: Comfort Inn & Suites of St. Johnsbury
Day 8 – St. Johnsbury to Stowe, VT
This morning our adventure takes us through the city of Barre to the Rock of Ages Quarry. Witness a granite quarry nearly 600’ deep and watch factory artisans ply their trade. Next we visit Montpelier, with 8,000 residents, it is the smallest capitol city in America and the only one without a McDonalds. We’ll make a stop in the heart of downtown for lunch on your own at one of the many sandwich shops and a chance to view the beautiful State Capitol Building before we journey on to Waterbury. This is no time to contemplate diets as we are stopping at Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Factory for a tour and ice cream treats. But the best is still ahead as we make our way up a gentle winding mountain road to the Trapp Family Lodge. This gracious European styled mountain retreat is located at the original homestead of the von Trapp family. Famously chronicled in the musical “Sound of Music,” the von Trapp Family has been welcoming guests here since 1938. Experience Vermont hospitality at its best at this dreamlike resort lodge overlooking the magical mountain landscape only Vermont and this location can offer. We dine this evening in the relaxed luxury & comfort of the lodge dining room overlooking the valley below. This evening view “The Real Maria” story in the lodge theatre while still having time to stroll the retreat pathways.
Included Meals: Breakfast, Exquisite Dinner
Back roads: Hwys 2 & 100
Villages: Danville, Marshfield, Graniteville, E. Montpelier, Montpelier, Waterbury & Stowe
Hotel: Trapp Family Lodge – Stowe
Day 9 – Stowe to Williston, VT
Watch the sunrise over the mountains this morning as you experience a “breakfast-of-a-lifetime” in the exquisite lodge dining room. Enjoy a relaxed morning in this incomparable setting before we continue our journey. This is another day of unsurpassed vistas as we travel through the Vermont countryside and wind our way down the mountainside to the classic village of Stowe. Stowe is the most famous and widely recognized village in all of Vermont. Stowe has it all: charming village streets, country stores, classic Victorian inns, and white spired churches. Just about every magazine and brochure you’ve ever seen on Vermont features this picturesque town. Just on up the road is Cold Hollow Cider Mill. Here is another wildly popular family road stop featuring fresh apples, Vermont cheese, their legendary cider donuts, and viewing their cider making. Then we’re off to Burlington, Vermont’s largest city and home to the University of Vermont. Burlington has an almost seaside feel. Here we board the Spirit of Ethan Allen III for a delightful luncheoen cruise on beautiful Lake Champlain and experience the beauty of the mountain horizons. Next an amazing Vermont experience awaits us – A guided tour of Shelburne Farms, a 1400 acre working farm & National Historic Landmark with a spectacular landscape set along the banks of Lake Champlain. A few of the farm’s highlights include the amazing 1880’s Farm Barn, the Dairy, the 24-room Shelburne Inn, the Carriage Barn, and the Estate Gardens. Farm products, including their very own farmhouse cheddar, are available.
Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
Back roads: Hwys 100 & 2
Villages: Stowe & Burlington
Hotel: Hampton Inn of North Burlington
Day 10 – Williston to Lake George, NY
Enjoy breakfast as we contemplate our last full day in this beautiful setting. We start our day at Shelburne Museum – One of the nation’s finest, most diverse, and unconventional museums of Americana. Thirty nine exhibition buildings set in a village on 45 very relaxing acres. Degas, quilts, tools, toys, gardens, Ansel Adams photography, Steamship Ticonderoga, covered bridges, and so much more. Enjoy lunch at your leisure in their inviting village café. This promises to be an experience unlike you’ve ever had. Following our Shelburne adventures we visit the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory for a guided tour and of course their well stocked gift store. This afternoon we travel more back roads south through Morgan horse country to Middlebury, another classic Vermont village. Just when you think there can’t be any more unique dining experiences, we find the Fire & Ice Restaurant. This is not so much a restaurant as a dine-in museum with its stained glass and mahogany nooks, library, and 1921 Hackercraft Motorboat that serves as a salad bar! The unusual name was inspired by a Robert Frost poem. You will love this place! Then we travel our last few miles of Vermont countryside as we make our way to Lake George, New York and our restful home this evening, the Hampton Inn.
Included Meals: Breakfast, Dinner
Back Roads: Hwys 7, 30 & 4
Villages: Shelburne, Ferrisburgh, Vergennes, Middlebury, Whiting, Sudbury & Fair Haven
Hotel: Hampton Inn – Lake George, NY
Day 11 – Lake George to Erie, PA
While our Vermont villages begin to fade behind us, we still have many autumn vistas to enjoy. The New York countryside, river valleys, and villages still have much to offer us today as we begin our journey back to Minnesota. We’ll travel some of the back roads of this beautiful state before we join I-88 one of the most picturesque interstates in the country on our way to Erie, PA.
Included Meals: Breakfast
Hotel: Holiday Express, Erie, PA
Day 12 – Erie to St. Charles, IL
Travel by interstate across Ohio & Indiana to St. Charles, IL. Dinner is included this evening.
Included Meals: Breakfast, Dinner
Hotel: Hampton Inn of St. Charles
Day 13 – St. Charles to Home
Our journey concludes today as we motor across Wisconsin to our lovely home state of Minnesota. We’ll enjoy one last lunch together at Burnstad’s European Market in Tomah where
Cranberry’s are king!
Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
Motorcoach Per Person Pricing Information
Motorcoach Travel Protection Per Person
Travel Bucks
Deposit Due
Passport Needed
Tour Pace
Price Includes
24 Meals, Hotels & Activities as stated in brochure, Luxury Motorcoach

Tour Highlights
* Fall colors - impossible to describe.
* A true back roads experience
* Exquisite dining in classic Vermont Inns
* Covered Bridges & Museums
* Village general stores
* Hildene Lincoln Family Home
* Bennington Pottery
* The Sugar Shack featuring Norman Rockwell
* Bennington Museum
* The Grandma Moses Gallery
* Village of Weston & The Vermont Country Store
* Simon Pearce Glass
* Ludlow & Woodstock, VT
* Pres. Coolidge Historic Village
* Billings Farm Museum
* Quechee Gorge
* King Arthur Flour
* Farm Way
* Cabot Creamery
* Goodrich’s Maple Farm
* Rock of Ages Tour
* Montpelier & State Capitol
* Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream tour
* Cold Hollow Cider Mill
* Trapp Family Lodge
* Village of Stowe, VT
* Lake Champlain Luncheon Cruise
* Shelburne Farms
* Shelburne Museum
* Vermont Teddy Bear Company
* Fire & Ice Restaurant